Manual License Update

  1. Log into Access It! Universal.NET
    Upon initial login, the default Admin and no password can be used.
    After initial login, the password must be changed.
  2. Within Access It! Universal.NET select File | Licensing
  3. For a new license, enter the System ID provided by RS2 Technologies
  4. Click Export LOC file and place LOC file on a machine with internet access
  5. Manually upload the LOC file via the RS2 Manual License Update Page
  6. Upon processing file a new LIC file is downloaded
  7. Place downloaded file onto Access It! Universal.NET server
  8. Within Access It! Universal.NET select File | Licensing
  9. Click import LIC file
  10. Navigate to the LIC file
  11. Click OK
  12. Upon completion the message "License updated. The service must be restarted for the new license to take effect." is raised
  13. Click OK
  14. Close Access It! Universal.NET
  15. Restart the Access It! Universal.NET service
  16. Log into Access It! Universal.NET
  17. Verify license details are correct within the System Status screen